The guitar technique No 05 Strechings
EPN 197
ISMN M-69151-174-9
The benefit to a guitarist from the study of stretching exercises is obvious. These exercises, however, are rather tiring since one or more fingers remain immobile for a long time and as the stretchings of the others are sometimes very wide. Consequently, the exercises require methodical study with frequent breaks, in order to relax the hand.
Most of these exercises start from the 7th position where the distance between frets is small, and continue chromatically to the first position so that the stretchings increase gradually.
The thumb of the left hand must move downwards so as to assist the opening of the other fingers.
Here it is necessary to ignore the incorrect positioning of the thump and care should be taken so as not to loose contact with the arm of the guitar.
In order to complete these exercises properly, the most important point is to keep the fingers on the strings for as long as is indicated by the lines.